PUFS index

Pusan University of Foreign Studies

TESOL Program

Methods in TESOL 2003



Course Title: Methods in TESOL

Location : TESOL Unit, Pusan University of Foreign Studies

Semester: December 9, 2003 to February 21, 2004

Credit: 3 Units

Faculty : Brian King


Course Description :

This course will stress both the theoretical and applied aspects of TESOL. You will learn about trends in methodology from a historical perspective and gain a critical perspective on current best practices in the field. You will also have the opportunity to recognize the potential for using technology in the TESOL classroom, to explore evaluation and assessment procedures and to develop your teaching and observational skills.



Course Text Books :

Assigned text :

Douglas Brown, H. 2000 Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, published N.Y: Pearson


Other materials as mentioned in lectures